Thursday, November 12, 2009


Every morning I get up and look out my window and I just see the mountains declaring daily the glory of God. Sometimes I just watch the sun set at night and imagine how beautiful our LORD is when this sunset is just magnificent.

This morning I woke up late and missed my first class so my day has been off. I rushed my prayer time and didnt spend any time in the word. I was drained because instead of relying on God I was running on my own power. Satan knew this so he has been attacking my mind all day. I couldnt focus in class or focus when I was trying to talk to God. I found myself drifting back into sin and not even realizing it. The flesh is so weak and God is so strong. The only way to defeat the flesh is by accepting the perfect atoning blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. By his death we were free from being slaves of sin, but not the power of sin. Our sin nature is still present within us but we have been given the Holy Spirit to battle it. So you will ALWAYS fail at defeating sin without the presence and work of the Holy spirit in your life. It is VITAL to the Christian believer. Without it we are nothing.

Today I had a wake-up call from my slumber and I was humbled once I recalled just how weak the flesh is. Its very humbling to know that you are powerless against the enemy without the spirit of God enabling you to do far more that you could do on your own. Thank you Lord for reminding me of my feeble-mindedness and reminding me of just how much I need you in my life. I praise your awesome and mighty name for the gift of the Holy Spirit that came through the precious sacrifice of your one and only son. For through that gift I am a victor against the enemy and the principalities of this earth. Let me not return to the ways of this world but pursue righteousness, humility, and love as led by your spirit.

Here I am, humbled by your majesty, covered by your grace so free. Here I am, knowing I am sinful man, covered by the blood of the lamb. Now I found the greatest love of all is mine, since you laid down your life the greatest sacrifice. MAJESTY! MAJESTY! Your grace has found just as I am, empty handed but alive in your hands.

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